“A workshop is better than a thousand warlike demonstrations.”
– Sir Henry Rawlinson
The aim expand the technology housing around commodity production to make it safe for bitcoinization also requires integrated telecommunications, IoT, automated machinery, sovereign decentralized human identity, fully transparent governance, and democratic digitized share ownership. These networked technology gateways for Western strategic dominance of critical commodities and new global collateral development, while providing trustworthy channels for humane development capital in underserved but resource-rich regions.
Bitcoin and networked tools for enhanced commodity production are at the center of the solution for the continued success and influence free societies have on the destiny of humanity as a lever against subjugation and a non-innovative, conformist, dystopian loss of cultural and civilizational power. These ecosystems will deepen the bitcoinization of the world from the ground up.
The nature of a technology emanates from the psychospiritual properties imbedded in a given worldview. Today we are in Cold War II, which is a worldview war, and as such has also become a technology war. Free societies cannot cede their worldview to totalitarian ones by ceding the technology war and thereby the economic war as well. This calls for a global fabric of decentralized applications anchored in bitcoin mining, energy production, metals and energy minerals mining, decentralized telecommunications, identity and banking.
We are at a profound crossroads. The discontinuation of the American-lead global order and the unraveling of financial stability and global supply chains will result in significant conflict and challenges for free societies over the next 25 years. There is no “Easy” button, only a “Hard” button. Bottom line and profitability will not drive the next 25 years like it has the previous 25 years. Instead national security, geopolitics and re-collateralization will drive the next two or three decades. Rival trade blocs are forming which will determine the future of global trade and finance.
The strategic advantage free societies once enjoyed through greater technology growth has also eroded. By setting the standard for technology-enabled commodity resource governance, securitization and operations, and housing proprietary producing assets within this ecosystem, a store of collateral can be engineered to facilitate strategic resource development.
This will require a complete reshaping of the way the West thinks about universalism. The pretense of universalism extended onto the world through globalization will come to be seen as a momentary outgrowth of the expression of American culture when it was the only economic superpower. But as the US has both fallen from 50% to 25% of global GDP, and itself eroded so much of its internal cultural and economic capital, and so the projection of cultural universalism must also be pared back.
Losing the Mandate of Heaven
Let’s be real: US political leaders since the Gulf War are perhaps the worst leaders in the history of the world.
In 1991, they inherited a hyperpower that wins everywhere without fighting. But by 2021 they produced a declining power that fights everywhere without winning. It’s thirty years of unmitigated domestic and international failure, from San Francisco to Syria, from financial crisis to coronavirus.
With every inherited advantage, US leaders nevertheless produced historical collapses in life expectancy[1] and manufacturing capacity[2], in patriotic loyalty and involvement in community[3]. They also delivered concomitant rises in drug overdoses[4], out-of-wedlock births[5], and homeless encampments[6].
And no, they have no historical, philosophical, or literary depth. The historical analogies begin and end with 1939. The philosophy is little more than constant accusations of racism. And the reading level of US presidential speeches has measurably[7] dropped like a rock, to idiocratically elementary levels.
The only thing the establishment *has* delivered on is their own bottom line. Think about Pelosi’s stocks[8], BLM’s mansions[9], Obama’s book deals, and 10% for the big guy. The corruption is now flagrant and public. As others have observed, we’re in the looting-the-treasury phase of imperial collapse, as the national debt soars past $33T with literally no limit in sight.
Stupid, or Evil?
And that’s what leads to the “conspiracy theories.” Are US leaders stupid, or evil? Did they unintentionally ruin what was once the greatest country on earth, or was it intentional and done for their own gain?
The conspiracy theories are a way for mere proles to make sense of the senseless. They aren’t all wrong, mind you — WMD was fake, the AAA mortgage-backed securities were fake, Russiagate was fake, and so on. Evil was involved in intentionally faking these stories.
But ultimately, thinking of US leadership as evil gives them too much credit. It’s just hard to remain global #1. The nature of entropy means there are countless ways for the world order to shatter, and only a few ways to keep it intact. Maybe George Washington could find one of those ways, but we have Joe Biden. And that’s why DC is losing the Mandate of Heaven[10].
-Balaji Srinavasnan, The Network State
As the eurodollar rails break down and the exportation of high-trust American law and society no longer undergird the domestic view that foreign societies’ default low-trust makeups were converging on states of higher trust, American capital must also configure itself to this reality. Some version of the absurdity that Iraq would democratize or through elections, or that China would democratize through trade and wealth creation, exists on every level of analysis worldwide. Participants in the eurodollar system simply did not gain structural expansions in trust. Low-trust societies imagine they are playing with someone else’s chips. High-trust societies realize the chips belong to everyone.
Absence of this universalist cultural alignment, American operations abroad must be ringfenced within walls of high-trust technological systems, similar to the expeditionary settlement monopolies of the 17th Century. Participation in these high-functioning green zones of high collateral and high trust can mimic Western openness, but conditioned upon technologically enforced rulesets which preserve and densify collateral values. Participation only occurs when participants can contribute some dimension of new collateral value.
The hardware, economic logic and software to be curated for these green zones is a product of linking together a latticework of disparate systems which can eventually propagate outward through voluntary commercial adoption and voluntary incentives, but only after collateral values are established and secured. These component systems are geared to coordinate labor and PP&E into augmenting the value of the underlying capital assets.
Owing to the differences in operational leverage of the various capital asset development operations, different combinations of the toolset can be configured into ecosystems tailored for specific enterprises. These ecosystems may then be monetized through bitcoin or USD stablecoins for additional collateral value anchoring and revenue generation for the green zone provider. Among the integrated components of the ecosystem include:
- Proprietary, in-house Web3 software development, wallets, EoT (economy of things) and IoT hardware adaptations
- Bitcoinized distributed modular 5G hardware and RF spectrum capacity
- Decentralized identity and sovereign data
- Human/machine identity imbedded hardware
- AI and satellite-linked geosciences
- Bitcoin miner-fed payments
- Bitcoin-based infrastructure finance
- Automated mining machinery
- Ultra efficient onsite minerals refining
- Tokenized and bitcoin-driven distributed logistics tracking and coordination
- Denovo settlement anchored around minerals and bitcoin producing facilities including healthcare and infrastructure with digitized ownership

Defense-oriented Environment
Most new defense-oriented companies and VC’s are focused on a tapping single buyer with a limited budget and even shorter funding runway. They also misunderstand America’s battlespace. Part of the reason for this is a strange relegation of the fate of our civilizational defense and values to the state alone, rather than an organic concern on behalf of the many. When set against China’s hybrid military/commercial companies, the Western approach looks feeble and hollow. Somehow, what once seemed natural – the outsourcing of global macro concerns to the state – now seems to make much less sense.
The world is in a technology war. Free societies seek expansion through elevating independent human prosperity. Our polar adversaries seek maximum control as existential necessity. Yet American rivals have created containment of the West through commerce, while the West believes it can overcome through coercion. Western power refuses to leverage Western principles. Thus, at a more fundamental level, the world is also in a worldview war. The US has zero technology-enabled global channels. They believe war is carriers, tanks and cyber and have ceded the economic “battlespace” to China under the incorrect pretense of perpetual strength of the eurodollar system, and that censorship will be good enough. Critical innovation has been pushed offshore where the CCP can co-opt and infiltrate.

As a leading case, the development of and tapping into strategic resources in Africa within the envelope of a charismatic, freedom and individual prosperity-first technology stack to unlock and develop strategic minerals in a coming commodity super cycle will generate maximum support from US defense and intelligence communities as well as the bitcoin community.
As the American people lose interest in maintaining a US-led global order, a decentralized technology-enabled ecosystems around commodities and energy is the only thing which offers to replace the vacuum developing where the eurodollar system once was. Citizens around the world desire to maximize freedom and profitability as well as increase access to products and markets – the things which the US order helped enable. They do not desire to be indentured to a neo-colonial resource extraction apparatus in Beijing if there were available and charismatic alternatives.
While China may have a considerable head start, they do not do local development the way a Western company does. To own the “battlespace” is to foment creation and commercialization in ways that serve what the people want and will voluntarily buy, not what you can coerce them into doing. This is the true model of Western monetary hegemony and lives at the forefront of humanity’s peace and pursuit of happiness.
To be continued…
The Geopolitics of Bitcoin – Part I
The Geopolitics of Bitcoin – Part II
The Geopolitics of Bitcoin – Part III
The Geopolitics of Bitcoin – Part IV