“The real problem is deflation. That is the opposite of inflation but equally serious to the borrower.”
-Jack Kemp
State control of currency creates hypercentralization. Cascading waves of malfeasance have ensued and will continue to. Private work in the pursuit of private currency is the only answer to spare us from a future of metastasized state malfeasance.
The collapse of faith in the state is escalating. There are 10 million unelected government bureaucrats, the force of whom has more power than the three institutional branches of government put together. They are paid through money printing for which the people also cannot vote. And even then, Congress doesn’t even pass budgets as is its constitutional requirement.
The American Revolution was fought to de-king-ify the country. Yet state control of currency has surreptitiously reinstated an aristocratic class of bureaucrats. The “deep” state.
The method of expropriation vested in the counterfeiting of the currency by the state creates a class of “Cantillon Insiders,” defined as those which receive and spend higher-value counterfeit notes before anyone else, when the currency has higher value. Later, as the notes are spent through the economy, they lose their original purchasing power as market prices rise to reflect the rising amount of currency created. Through repeated counterfeiting, these Insiders continuously consume productive value without generating any offsetting productivity of their own, which makes goods more and more scarce. As a result of the growing scarcity, prices perennially rise, and can consume all the combined abundance generated by multiple technological revolutions.
Unelected deep state bureaucratic insiders then use force and threats of violence to prevent outsiders from using other currencies of greater integrity. Witness the 87,000 person increase to IRS employment roles and millions of rounds of ammunition for IRS agents. Witness the 94,000 licensed financial planners funneling wealth into the sanctioned investment products created by systemically important banks who are somehow always long-only.
The process of perennial increases in scarcity is euphemistically called “inflation” but is better known as “slavery: the forcible use of one person’s effort for the benefit of another.” As inflation is slavery, “deflation” is freedom.

One of America’s many triumphs is the abolition of slavery. Lincoln, erroneously credited with ending slavery, assiduously worked his entire career chiefly to erect a central bank in order to orchestrate a grand cabal of Cantillon Insiders existing only through this manner of counterfeit and enslavement. For America to be truly antislavery, it must deconstruct the counterfeiting apparatus of the United States and allow all prices to fall year on year in a reflection of the abundance of our technological advances and capital deepening. Those in favor of the continued practice of deep state counterfeiting must be clearly known and exposed as pro-slavery. A Constitutional Convention must be called to enforce full secession of dozens of states if the United States fails to disband its central bank and its insider cabal and bring DC to heel through institutionalization of decentralization and deep penalties against centralization.
As government bond buyers and holders are likewise dependent on central bank counterfeiting to produce new currency to pay off the bonds, all government bond creditors must be written off. Otherwise, the United States is only a few election cycles or another pandemic or Great Recession away from dissolution and failure.
The business of the state is to deceive. To murder. To defraud. We claim we are willing to allow this in our name because the world is a dangerous place, and if we forced the state to abide by the rule of law, China or Iran or Germany or whatever would conquer us. So we give those whose livelihoods are generated by deception, fraud and murder the facility of counterfeit as well! But in truth, statist counterfeiting here is the great evil in human affairs.
And what would you do if you owned the counterfeiting machine? The answer is: you’d pay off your friends, pay off the press and coopt technology monopolies to do your propaganda and derange your citizenry into ignorance, buy armies of enforcers to attack the naysayers and defectors, and live a lavish life behind physical and institutional walls[1]. You would send your agents far and wide to infiltrate, bribe or force compliance, your ranks would swell with millions of the bovine useless. You would erect a banking cartel so your favorite accomplices could share in the spoils. You would have long-since taken for granted that your counterfeiting charter was granted because you were already above the law, and you would act accordingly. Ouday and Qusay Hussein, Hunter Biden, Idi Amin or Xi Jinping might become your role models. Jailing your political rivals would be tea and crumpets.
Statist counterfeiting is responsible not only for the state being unaccountable and hypercentralized, it is in fact the centrality of evil in the world. It not only removes the statist Insider’s accountability, it inverts it. It incentivizes malevolence.
In the Untitled States, the point of irreconcilability was crossed in the raid on former president Trump’s home. It illustrated how fearful this insider cabal is of a second Trump presidential term. It also illustrated that the process of counterfeiting has created so much underlying bankruptcy, Insiders are fully aware of how fragile their ability to prosecute continued counterfeiting really is. And by all evidence, Trump is pro-counterfeiting, which means he merely represents a threat to the outer layers of the counterfeiting apparatus such as the propaganda, infotech monopolies and the swollen ranks of the bovine useless which are likewise disintegrating.
If the state in DC cannot achieve this deconstruction on its own recognizance, we as private citizens must do it. It is incumbent on us to erect a private system of monetary integrity which divests purchasing power away from the insider cabal. This is the superior way of capitalizing on market errors predicated on counterfeit interventionism. It is also the single most moral professional pursuit one can undertake. It requires a manner of courage and integrity that those accomplices or dependents on the counterfeiting apparatus won’t have. So it can be lonely and disappointing as joiners fight you to preserve the value of the bankrupt system on which they are dependent, or to reassert the fraying narrative of its veracity since the beginning. But an earnest and truthful concern for the future, for the betterment of our children and the country they will inherit, as well the privacy and integrity of their wealth, may require degrees of courage and integrity many around you cannot comprehend. And you will be an increasingly rich target as the state spasms with violence and lawbreaking to preserve its solvency through even more counterfeiting.
Likewise, war fighting fails in this regard. War fighting is at the behest of the cabal, never against it. Private, patient, industrious creativity is the only way. To endure these challenges, to persist with patient, industrious creativity, despite its costs and hardships, for the sake of an anti-slavery vision of the future and of Man as heroic and self-sovereign, requires the deep-seating of the archetype of the truth-discoverer, the a-priori initiator, in the hearts of the people. Or at least within the hearts of those undertaking the challenge.

Traditionalists, aside from being non-future-oriented, are often also more advanced in age. They are on one hand erroneously convinced that what happened before, what “worked” as far as they knew, is what will work, conveniently ignoring that the fundamentals of the future are categorically the opposite of those of the past, and that this opposition was necessary and contingent for the functionality of that past architecture. On the other hand, it also means they were accomplices to, if not dependent on or at least benefitted from the engrossment of the counterfeiting apparatus for many decades. It may also mean that the prices of their homes, bonds and equities are still dependent on more counterfeiting as they retire while Rome burns in the fires they lit. It is deeply lamentable that American so-called traditionalists have no voice at the table – the period of upheaval we are about to undertake does call for the sagacity of the elders. But today it is only the future-oriented who have any legitimate voice. A counterfeit-free future excludes counterfeiters and their accomplices and dependents.
The next 25 years will be the most transformative in human history. Artificial intelligence, genetics, cybernetic augmentation, rapidly declining populations, quantum computing, localized manufacturing, rising interest rates, inflation, periods of commodity scarcity, a breakdown of globalization and great power competition, even multiplanetary habitation, will make humankind in some ways unrecognizable from its former self. Merging these changes with a medieval, statist counterfeiting racket is the difference between collapsed dystopia and abundant prosperity. What is needed at the heart of these transformations is a moral and theological vision which transcends the traditionalism and bolshevism which anchor today’s worldviews. A kind of renaissance style recapturing of the old pagan wisdom and vitality of nature, especially of Man’s nature. This vision should be built on a firm foundation of anti-slavery in every sense of the term. The only way to retain our humanity in and amongst these crosswinds will be to spiritually embrace ancient archetypes exclaiming the robustness, intactness and sovereignty of Man. The primary expression of this which remains, the low-hanging fruit, in the face of a tidal wave of statism that is also heading toward us, is to permanently reform our technology of money as impervious to counterfeiting.