The War on Metacognitive Integrity – Part IV
Everything in the postwar West is in fact, referential to the war. The lines on the map, the institutions, the sense of the world we live in, the zeitgeist all arise from the pornographic and murderous contortions of the Soviet regime and of World War II. The only thing one must not mock or deride is perhaps the holocaust, which is in a perverse way treated with a kind of reverence. Everything is backwards, deconstructivist and negated. Instead of an origin mythology stemming from a moment of fertility, creativity and triumph, they are conflagrations of destruction. Instead of ultimate good taking centerpoint in the story, it is occupied by ultimate degradation, dehumanizing and withering. Instead of that which is held sacred as something mysterious and sublime, it is an ultimate obscenity. This malignancy at the root means the Tree of Life for Westerners is poisoned.
Long ago, the religion of the West was supernormal rather than supernatural. Nature with all its sublime beauty was inspired by a mystic Alethea of the gods. Gods lived within nature, they were not superordinate to it. Within all things, a fountainhead of beauty and nobility. While supernormal religion required expensive conquest and rule to gain slaves, which it did, it also emphasized virtue, excellence and power (creative power into economic power then into coercive power). It was what the military might call an “exquisite” weapon system. Supernatural religion, however, proved an easier way to lower the cost of slavery because it attacked Man at the level of his “original sin:” his lazy, undifferentiated, band wagoning and servile cowardice – his Epimethean tendencies.
Middle Eastern Abrahamic religions (Judaism/Christianity/Islam), like the Marxism of our epoch, propagated these anti-Darwinian confections of deconstructivism and negation without a life-giving vision of its own, as well as counterfeit currency racketeering and the surreptitious raiding of Man’s self-intelligibility meant to conceal the rackets (DEI). They are incremental systems of political, social, and intellectual destruction that destroy civilizational capital because of the inferiority of their propagators.
Servility, retardation and enslavement have been effectuated by words rather than by force. Controlling speech, especially the speech of the middle class or the nobles, is clung to by modern Marxist pharisees. Like a perverse, regressive feedback loop, today’s DEI is the laundering of its own collapsed consequences onto its victims, which are often times also its propagators.
This Age of Darkness has been a religious evolution: the empty, backwards, deconstructivist and negating are the definitive personality and psychological primitives of its pharisee caste. The postwar West has allowed the introject of the pharisee caste to be relocated within itself, like an Uncle Tom, a cult member or a colonized woman. The atrophy of its muscularity, creative, progressive will and confidence is the goal of DEI and its bolshevik predecessors.
The profoundly doomerist, deterministic pessimism Armageddon religion of the Atomic Age, Leninism and central banking, says implicitly to us in our bones:
“Drink the pornography. Stare at the numbing device. Liquidate your children’s civilization. Do not plant nor nourish the tree. Sail with glee into the decadent entropy of Pinocchio’s Land of Toys. Burn yourself out on the tissue paper flare ups of LGBTQ BLM as charades of a long-lost sense of meaning. Quietly admit to us your faiths failed to convince you of the sanctity of your own soul. It’s all burning down anyway.
“Most of all, do not inquire to our counterfeiting shell game. Don’t speak about it – your words must be controlled, they are our weapon of your Epimethean enslavement.”
DEI is not just racist, it’s a surreptitious violation of the First Amendment. You must shout about the Whites or the Blacks or the Whathaveyous – so long as it degrades you.

The law of Freedom of Speech is Promethean – it is where you the chattel first form the might of your conviction which overturns our counterfeiting secular religion, where the Tree of the West is watered and cared for once again. It is where the soul of the ancient religion, of the sublime Beauty of the gods within the world, come to animate the Alethea once more.
Language is the deepest techne, a prime mechanism of individuation, the raw commodity input of the arcs of the progressive, expansive, life-honoring will. DEI is the effort to wrest this technology from Man.
But Man must honor truth before face and his sovereignty above all. He must savagely cut the throat of Medusa and her Age of Darkness.