Born of Chaos

Born of Chaos

“But for Zeus I care less than nothing. Let him do his will…” -Prometheus. Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound Dictatorship, Totalitarianism and Conformity Totalitarianism is different from primitive dictatorship. Dictatorships are destroyed by decapitating a regime....
Parallel Societies, Bitcoin & El Salvador

Parallel Societies, Bitcoin & El Salvador

Preemptive Bailouts Beginning in 2012 the Fed inverted its tactics in supporting elevated equity prices. Instead of waiting for pronounced selloffs to instigate inflationary bailouts, it began to preemptively intervene to support prices prior to any selloff,...


10 Years I’m the first to contest that no biography is needed for the likes of me. But perhaps I can be useful as a kind of example. For almost ten years I plastered my face to the charts. Most of my 30’s and before. I didn’t get married. ‘How do I restore integrity?’...