We are entering a new epoch of American Manifest Destiny. The election set an alternative timeline in motion for a new eschaton of the greatness of our civilization. We are ushering in a new crackling flywheel of ebullient renaissance, the Promethean Age, like the Industrial Age or the Age of Reason before it. These are tremendous days for rejoicing.
The progressive will to charge over the horizon, to build structures of historic importance, to rewrite human economy through ingenious technologies, these are all the conservation of our most bedrock value: “Freedom.” Conservatives are and have always been the true “progressives,” and vice versa. As Thomas Paine described about the triumph of the Natural Law, the Dionysian will of outward moving power overrides the brittle dictums of the Pharisees.
The spirit of American Manifest Destiny is to unshackle what is occluded, to tear away the veil, through the virtues of creativity and forethought. The profundity of what lies beyond the criminality of the statism to which we have been subject is being exposed in all its garishness. No different than what lay beyond the earth-centered solar system of the old doctrinal statists with their torture, their stone dungeons and ecclesiastic regimentation. The regressiveness of socialism has always been the enemy of Man. It is being rightfully outlawed in America once again.
Among Millenials and Gen Zers there is a great aspirational expansiveness and a confident, optimistic determinism. They understand the “Left” as an impotent, kvetching joke and a Baby Boomer psyop contrived to stump for a fraud-based global financial architecture concealing hundreds of trillions in cannibalized civilizational wealth. And they won’t accept it any longer.
As the political torch passes to Millenials, the consequence is a new and unimaginable Age of American Might. A new age of rocketry and atomic power. Of biotechnological uplifting. Of decentralized vitalism. An age of sound money and capitalist deepening after more than 55 years of deconstruction. A reworking of dynamic and autonomous labor and re-industrialization. A renewed insistence on family integrity in conjunction with the heartland national feeling. This union of technological and industrious optimism and heartland Americana has not existed as an ideology until now.

This age is undergirded by a reclaiming of the true animating locomotion of the West: that a poetic vision of inspired, muscular industriousness which causes progress both exists prior to legalistic orthodoxy, and more importantly, is our birthright. This is the spirit of our national covenant – The Pursuit of Happiness – and the heart of Paine’s Natural Law. Indeed, the Revolutionaries even sang it aloud. The original “Star Spangled Banner” was a 1773 tune called Anacreon’s Song, which went: “I’ll trim the young dogs for thus daring to twine the myrtle of Venus with Bacchus’s vine.” This was to say, that “Old Thunder,” or Zeus, in reference to King George, would hang those signatories to the Declaration of Independence who entwined poetic vision with the outflowing Dionysian will of industrial, artistic and technological achievement. And in the drinking dens and battlefields, King George was an impotent, kvetching joke as well.
And as we look back 30 years from now, how utterly laughable it will seem that the power in the American breast could be restrained by whining about tampons in boy’s bathrooms as the last fig leaf of a collapsing welfare-warfare state, its eye-watering monetary falsehoods and its cowering worship of the middle of the bell curve. So much for a generational legacy of regression and nothing conserved, whose flagship company was named -micro and -soft. This new epoch is the reckoning the naturalistic reality: the Promethean spirit is ontologically prior to all material wellbeing. On the ledger of fact, the capitalist profits of industrious, creative and inventive American firms are superordinate to both state takings and global collateral. You-Didn’t-Build-That-ism is a whining animal put to pasture. The bums lost. Welcome to a new era of whirling American beauty spinning the myrtle of Venus and Promethean will, entwining great meaning and Manifest Destiny, and wresting the flame of our birthright from the dark.