Marxism is institutionalized narcissistic abuse. Marxist Leninist Socialism is the Industrial-Age expression of malignant narcissism. Witnessing the decapitation of French monarchy, then its culture, the deep state of Europe needed a upgraded counterrevolutionary ideology to save its neck. A grotesque and addled Karl Marx swooped in to do the bidding. Karl was himself a severe, malignant narcissist. His curdled hatred of things noble, meaningful and earnest led him to a kind of blithe and jolly satanism which was the bedrock of his earthly existence. Today, no one laments the murder of Karl’s inner infant which precipitated his malignancy in life. Yet we are left with the permutating wages of his inflictions.
Property is theft! For a narcissist’s dead inner infant, the self-ownership of another is theft. Things noble, meaningful and earnest possessed by those with strength and self-intelligibility are the traits of a usurper. Karl deeply understood the monarchical instinct and zeitgeist: the brutalizing ideology inflicted on serfs and subjects must be preserved at all costs. Monarchs are perpetually terrified by threats from the “middle class.” The entrepreneurs and merchants who form capital, exercise strength through human purpose and beautifully transform the landscape of human life make filching kings obsolete. They represent the inevitability of the guillotine. But deeper still, inbred monarchs of yore were accustomed to a kind of schizoid, infant ideology which cast them as both God and worshipper. Where not only did they expect feudal economic rent, but emotional and psychological rent as well. The merchants’, nobles’ and entrepreneurs’ evident self-ownership was a Capitalist refusal to pay this emotional and psychological rent, and the monarchist was desperate.
Karl heard the call for a counterrevolutionary ideology to brutalize away the internal, self-owning traits which propel such heroic abundance which disrupted Epimethean stupor of deep state Europeans, in order to spare the monarch the guillotine. His malignant narcissism cast him as the perfect idolater. His ideological work product fundamentally was merely a plagiarism of monarchist propaganda, but more wickedly pathological and permeating. However, for Karl, accustomed to salons and flaneuring, the real prosecutorial dark angels had yet to emerge. Then along came the Leninists.
For the Leninist, Capitalism is the interceptor of all human value, the arch-enemy of monarchist emotional and psychological rent exaction and narcissistic supply recipiency.
That Capitalism and Marxism are opposites is entirely false. “Capitalism” is a natural artifact of human purpose, so essential and definitively human, it needs no other name than “Humanism.” Marxist socialism, in the opposite hand, is merely a miasma of violent commands. The natural economic vs. the expressly anti-economic do not exist on the same continuum. In one narrow way only can they be known as opposites: human purpose relies on self-directed, rationalist, willful, purposeful action, while Marxist socialism relies on violating Man’s will. The crux of the difference lives in the sovereignty of the individual will.
Capital is the notion of concentric rings of integrated value. This value is deeper than the pecuniary, and begins within one’s inner sanctum, his psychological and spiritual resources. Only upon these resources can one predicate other forms of capital, like intellectual capital and skills, then these skills mixed with time: the building of families and tribes, economic concerns and work, and the confidence to withhold consumption today for an advantage tomorrow. All of these concentric rings of capital are unified by an original sense of meaning stemming from an individual’s psychological and spiritual resources which are the original motivators. The Capitalist is always emboldening these original resources so his dividends will emanate in widening circles.
Marxist narcissism is the “whole of government” approach to violating these original psychological and spiritual resources in order to enslave Man. The claim of Marxism as an “economic theory” deliberately conceals it’s malignant and hate-ridden internal reality. As a spectrum of violent commands in place of a “theory,” the enslavement of a man and the stealing of his bread is just a bonus on top of the true motivational prize. The true prize is the inducement to the abnegation of the intimate, central, prima fascia psychological and spiritual resources of the Capitalist.
Marxism is the globalist, airy-fairy theorist, Leninism the violent prosecutor, and Socialism the candy cane wrapper, around the deep, incipient motivating rationale to violate a Man’s spirit and psychic integrity. The Socialist of any stripe holds this violating as their prime value. Some merely for petulant revenge at being by nature “less-than,” and some with grinding, terrifying existential emptiness only temporarily soothed by perverse third-party adulation of their inner mortified infant.
This soothing prompts the attempt to dis-integrate the resilient, heroic, purpose-driven nature of a Man’s internal and psychic life. This heroic nature serves to steal adulation from the narcissists dead inner infant. The curdled re-sentiment of the heroic ideal by modern Marxists is a form of “collapsed narcissism,” by followers too weak to brutalize in order to secure adulation. These “collapsed narcissists” therefore band together in a Marxist cult which holds out that man’s self-ownership and even the heroic ideal itself is theft.

While these collapsed and inveterate versions may be Marxist “theorists,” they are not prosecutor Leninists on their own two feet. The purveyors of the cult in the first place are the true Leninist narcissists. These purveyors seek to siphon off narcissistic supply and dead infant adulation from their throngs of collapsed narcissist followers by bribing them with the spoils of feudal persecution. A sense of internal wholeness and even sadism emerges for the Leninist when he has erected a neo-feudal religiosity into which millions of collapsed narcissists have enrolled themselves. This religiosity is the Epimethean disavowal of the internal psychic and spiritual heroism of the self. It is the mass, voluntary, self-dismemberment of the human mechanism of self-intelligibility as a sacrifice to the Leninist for the enjoyment of his narcissistic supply.
But the self-abrogation of a mere collapsed narcissist is not remotely as potent a source of supply for the Leninist. They were not really deserving of adulation anyway, they posed no genuine loss of narcissist supply in the first place. They were merely the useful idiots for what the malignant Leninist truly seeks. The Leninist bribes the collapsed narcissist with merely the outer most concentric ring of capital: Rice, Epimethean acceptance, money, etc. Meanwhile the Leninist himself has his intent set on something more original. The Leninist fundamentally seeks the internal dismemberment of self-intelligibility of those with true heroic self-ownership and Promethean character. Property as theft is a primitive version of self-ownership as theft. For an erstwhile whole Man to succumb to the worship of the dismembered parts of recently living ideals and truths, casting its gruesome, dismembered fragmentariness as whole and legitimate, invokes the singular animating thrill of narcissistic supply.
Confluence of Contemporary State-driven Religiosity in the Industrial and Information Ages
As Heidegger describes, the state of technology prescribes the zeitgeist and tone of contemporary religiosity in each and every age. The Industrial Age is no different. But because the Leninist has no internal core of truth, it must rely exclusively on the contemporary, trendy, Epimethian religiosity and zeitgeist as reference points. Marxism in the Industrial Age imagines humans are gears in a factory. Epimethean collapsed narcissists don’t dare stray from the ideological factory floor to assert their self-ownership, labor ownership, and self-intelligibility independent from the regime of the manufacturing line. The Leninist must let a thousand flowers bloom: wherever the hero shows up, the Leninist must subjugate him. In the Industrial Age it codependently targets the industrialist.
The Information Age, however, is infinitely more permeated with subtlety. The worldview enframed by disembodied digital information propels the Leninist narcissist to move even deeper down within the concentric rings of Man’s capital formation. He must be more aggressive than ever before in attacking the mechanism of self-intelligibility. The happy Jacobin fetish of deconstructionism is the happiness the Epimethean Socialist receives when the bold, strong, self-possessed individuals no longer intercept the adulation that the socialist’s dead internal infant supposedly deserved instead. In order to redirect the adulation, the Socialist must attack the very meaning-making and self-intelligibility substructure of independent individuals.
Within the psycho-somatic construct of the malignant Leninist narcissist, children are the enemies of narcissists. They are the greatest threat to absorption of narcissistic supply. They are the interceptors of adulation, while the narcissist’s dead internal infant is left with the dregs. Children humiliate narcissists just as the modern capitalist entrepreneur humiliates Leninists. The anticipation by niche conservative groups of widespread transnational pedophilia and narcotic adrenaline harvesting is an instinctual recognition of the deepest narcissistic motivations instrumental in transnational Leninists. The orgiastic brutality of Leninism against Man’s inner sanctum is analogous to stealing a terrified child’s adrenaline from his blood for use as a narcotic to make the Leninist feel whole. Meanwhile on the surface, the Marxist’s red herring “economic policies ” are merely the cheap bribe to enroll throngs of Epimethean collapsed narcissists in the effort to prosecute Promethean Capitalists.
The war on metacognitive integrity and self-intelligibility is waged for these reasons. Satanic deconstructionist Leninism has mutated from the Industrial Machenschaft to the Information Age Machenschaft. It has moved from whole grain to pulverized powder, and enters the bloodstream of humanity at an ever more cellular level. At the same moment, big data has supplanted crude oil as the world’s most important commodity.
The Leninist pathology attempts to intercede in even the mere possibility of creativity and demands that existence is exclusively comprised of an empty dominance hierarchy. Man is fundamentally motivated by the guidance of his consciousness; the Leninist is fundamentally motivated by deconstructing Man’s consciousness and guidance system. This deconstruction allows him to siphon off the perverse self-adulation obtained by locking a creator inside an infinite regression of soulless win-lose, input-output, mechanized Industrial Age dominance. A kind of “Arbeit Macht Frei“ abnegation. A psychologically-disintegrated creator locked in the abnegation of this machine, or voluntarily locking himself into it, is the fuel for the modern Leninist regime. A creator confessing there is no creation, produces “Leninist supply.” In the Industrial Age, “Arbeit” refers to the physics of mechanical and muscular labor, of the chemical properties of crude oil. In the Information Age, “Arbeit“ is the very contents of your guidance system.